A Writers Garden
As a child, my Aunt Barbara, who was a school teacher, taught me about the word "kindergarten."
I had watched my five older sisters go off to school and return with songs, stories, and the ability to decode letters. They could now pass each other notes that left me cross-eyed. They could escape into books, and they could sign their names. What power existed in the ink of their pens? What freedom.
My aunt informed me that "kindergarten" meant a garden of children. I thought I would pee myself with excitement as visions of children dressed as flowers danced in my head.
I knew that when I went to kindergarten, I would grow and bloom like the azaleas bush that hugged up against our front porch, which acted as the backdrop for every graduation and prom pictures.
Like the potted geraniums outside our front door and the wild roses that lined our walkway, this idea of kindergarten drew me in.
Fresh flowers can be so healing. This is why we bring them to people who are ailing. Fresh stories are powerful as well.
This writer's garden is a place for both. Please use it as a spot of rich soil to nurture your creative seeds and concepts. Feel free to post stories, your own and others, and ask for feedback on what you are crafting. And, of course, shine a little light of encouragement on the offerings of others.
The idea of a garden means you can share whatever variety of writing you are currently dabbling in, poetry, short stories, sayings, and by all means, please promote your books, blogs, and writing.
The garden is a great place to come if you need guidance, inspiration, or healing. Share your triumphs and trespasses.
We will host a few in-person events and retreats and continue our online writer's groups on Zoom.
Remember, those who hold the pen, hold the power. So write on my fearless friends and use your words for growth, guidance, and greater good.
Bloom, Maur