May First: Fire
Hey friends
Back in the day, when I first published The Spiritual Vixen's Guide to an Unapologetic Life, I created this group as a way to connect with my friends and a way to stay connected.
I still crave safe harbors to share stories. And I am still passionate about helping others find their voice, value, and visibility.
Spiritual Vixens was a story of how my husband left me for Miss Universe and how that experience became a catalyst. Writing about it helped me to retrieve myself.
This May 1st, Beltane, a day of fire, is the perfect day to rebrand. May 1st is also the day my mom passed; May is my birthday month. May is the month of the Blessed Mother (big fan). And May is a great time to start a garden. So I invite you to A Writers Garden.
My mother was a voracious reader. She also wrote, but most of her writing focused on permission slips, Camp forms, scribbled prayers, and grocery lists on napkins.
My mother was also a gardener. She would have liked A Writer's Garden. I hope you use it to find inspiration, connection, and collaboration. May it be a place where you begin to grow and bloom your own stories. I will warm the room with 21 days of writing prompts.
Day 1: For this first prompt, I was Inspired by Beltane, representing light, fire, fertility, and the peak of Spring.
Beltane is celebrated with song, dance, merriment, and bonfires. It's said that our Celtic ancestors would light two fires and walk between them with cattle to purify and bless the herd's fertility.
So I invite you to contemplate two fires. Which one is lighting you up, and which one is burning you out? Then write about it.
You can add your insights here in the comments if you like. Or take it to your own journal.
Writing takes us to the labyrinth of ourselves and helps us find and honor our truth, purpose, and soul calling.
So, welcome to A Writers Garden. I hope this gets you writing. Those who hold the pen, hold power.
Love Maur