Asking for MORE can seem selfish. But with this tip, you will find that asking for more is fun!
You don't believe in it when you see it. You will see it when you have believed in it.
If you would like to tap into greater intuition, there are a few things that you might want to give up. Strengthening your intuition means not weakening yourself and certain ways of being can get in the way of being a clear channel. Check out these suggestions and let me know what you think in the comments.
This recipe for conscious prayer will support you in manifesting your optimal outcome in all areas of your life. It works if you work it.
Hello, everyone! This is a VERY short video with a ton of information. It covers the five-step prayer taught by Ernest Holmes.
1: God is
2: I am one with God.
3: affirmation
4: Thanksgiving
5: Release
The Sunflower & The Pop Corn Seed
This is a story that came to me about finding your greatness. There are many ways to find your greatness. We could go the easy way through a dedication to spiritual principles or we could go the hard way. Are you up for being pushed by pain or pulled by vision?
If you start all things off with prayer... you will see miracles.
Sometimes we can give ourselves away without even realizing it. Knowing how to include ourselves in the equations of your life is a skill that you can learn. Try out this easy recipe to ensure that you stay on course with your life vision.
Self-care and soul care are non-negotiable when it comes to living a fully authentic and creative life.
The ego wants us to hustle and hurry to nowhere. But Spirit moves at a graceful pace. What would it be like for you to take your time? After all, it’s yours! Savoring can add richness to like and turn mundane encounters into miracles. Check out the video and let me know your thoughts in the comments.
If you have a big enough vision it can pull you into action. Everything that's in your experience right now is something that you have imagined. We get to take responsibility for it. If you don’t like what you see, you can choose again. This visioning tool helps us to get clear about what we DO want. Check it out and expect miracles.
Meditation is immigration. It helps us to experience liberation, relaxation, and inspiration.
Here are a few tips on how to start your day right, both physically and spiritually.
The universe is always communicating with you. One thing you can do to participate is to choose a sign or symbol and then be on the lookout for all the ways the divine is sending you subtle hints.The universe is always communicating with you. One thing you can do to participate is to choose a sign or symbol and then be on the lookout for all the ways the divine is sending you subtle hints.
You have heard the song, but now I will share the whole story about the Little Drummer Boy. It has always been one of my favorites. I guess I think we are all drummer boys... playing our best. I hope you have a Merry Christ-mass and a Happy Holiday. LOVE, Maur
It is impossible to see two worlds.
1. Perception is consistent. What you see reflects your thinking. And your thinking but reflects your choice of what you want to see. Your values are determiners of this, for what you value you must want to see, believing what you see is really there. No one can see a world his mind has not accorded value. And no one can fail to look upon what he believes he wants.
This is more of a “what NOT to do” but I add it for your enjoyment. Best of luck to the mothers attempting to launch maidens.
How do you forgive what can seem like the unforgivable?