
Forgiveness, Rape and A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles is the type of teaching that has no exceptions. This is why some people find it hard to follow. We long for loopholes so that we don’t have to do the big work of forgiveness.

If you watched the video of my daughter outing me for being a hot mess the day she left for college, what you did not see was that I was battling other unseen demons.

My rape took place on the college campus of Columbia, in New York. I lived with so much shame, regret, and fear that I never enrolled in college, I felt that it was not a safe place. So, sending my daughter to the place that changed the trajectory of my life was a bit triggering. Nevertheless, I needed to deal with my fears and unforgiveness, and this Vidio helps to show what that can look like.


How to Pack Your Kid for College (funny )